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Administrative/Professional Regular - handbook

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
行政、行政和专业人员 BOT 4.4.0 Office of General Counsel
行政人员、行政人员和专业人员的常规任命种类 BOT 4.4.1 Office of General Counsel
普通行政人员、行政人员和专业人员试用期 BOT 4.4.2 Office of General Counsel
普通行政人员、行政人员和专业人员辞职 BOT 4.4.3 Office of General Counsel
行政人员、行政人员和专业人员的常规解雇 BOT 4.4.4 Office of General Counsel
裁减常规行政、行政和专业人员 BOT 4.4.5 Office of General Counsel
普通行政人员、行政人员和专业人员薪酬管理 BOT 4.4.6 Office of General Counsel
普通行政、行政和专业人员投诉 BOT 4.4.7 Office of General Counsel
普通行政、行政和专业人员的不满 BOT 4.4.8 Office of General Counsel
普通行政、行政和专业员工福利 BOT 4.4.9 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Adoption Leave Policy SLT 4.1 Human Resources
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
亲生父母和非亲生父母的育儿假 SLT 4.7 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
Relocation Policy (Moving) SLT 6.15 Business and Finance
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Parking Ordinance SLT 6.28 Public Safety
Use of Security Cameras SLT 6.29 Public Safety
Disorderly Conduct Policy SLT 6.31 Public Safety
违反地方、州或联邦法律 SLT 6.32 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
移动电话和无线通信策略 SLT 11.1 Information Technology
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Administrative/Professional Adjunct - handbook

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
辅助行政,行政和专业人员 BOT 4.5.0 Office of General Counsel
附属行政,行政和专业人员的任命 BOT 4.5.1 Office of General Counsel
附属行政、行政和专业人员补偿服务 BOT 4.5.2 Office of General Counsel
辅助行政,行政和专业人员福利 BOT 4.5.3 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Parking Ordinance SLT 6.28 Public Safety
Use of Security Cameras SLT 6.29 Public Safety
Disorderly Conduct Policy SLT 6.31 Public Safety
违反地方、州或联邦法律 SLT 6.32 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
移动电话和无线通信策略 SLT 11.1 Information Technology
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Regular Professional Support Staff - Collective Bargaining Agreement

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
专业支援人员人事政策 BOT 4.6 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Adoption Leave Policy SLT 4.1 Human Resources
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy SLT 6.17 Business and Finance
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
移动电话和无线通信策略 SLT 11.1 Information Technology
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Temporary Professional Support Staff

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy SLT 6.17 Business and Finance
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Parking Ordinance SLT 6.28 Public Safety
Use of Security Cameras SLT 6.29 Public Safety
Disorderly Conduct Policy SLT 6.31 Public Safety
违反地方、州或联邦法律 SLT 6.32 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Confidential - handbook

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
保密专业支持人员人事政策 BOT 4.9 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Adoption Leave Policy SLT 4.1 Human Resources
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
亲生父母和非亲生父母的育儿假 SLT 4.7 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy SLT 6.17 Business and Finance
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Parking Ordinance SLT 6.28 Public Safety
Use of Security Cameras SLT 6.29 Public Safety
Disorderly Conduct Policy SLT 6.31 Public Safety
违反地方、州或联邦法律 SLT 6.32 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Phased Retirements SLT 9.9 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Maintenance, Grounds and Service Staff - Collective Bargaining Agreement

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
维修、场地和服务人员的人事政策 BOT 4.7 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Adoption Leave Policy SLT 4.1 Human Resources
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy SLT 6.17 Business and Finance
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
违反地方、州或联邦法律 SLT 6.32 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
移动电话和无线通信策略 SLT 11.1 Information Technology
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Public Safety - Collective Bargaining Agreement

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
公共安全人员人事政策 BOT 4.8 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Adoption Leave Policy SLT 4.1 Human Resources
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy SLT 6.17 Business and Finance
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology

Export Group

Pew Campus Security

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
教职工一般人事政策-人事 BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-机会均等 BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-大学的责任 BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-纪律处分程序 BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-人事信息 BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-利益冲突 BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教职员工-退休任命 BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-荣誉称号 BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
一般人事政策的教师和工作人员-证书的验证 BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-被任命者的义务 BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-停车 BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-钥匙 BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
教职工一般人事政策-身份证 BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
GVSU设施政策的一部分荣誉命名 SLT 2.1 Office of the President
Policy on Policies SLT 2.2 Office of the President
Policy Flow Chart SLT 2.3 Office of General Counsel
艺术收藏维护和护理政策 SLT 3.1 Art Gallery Department
Bridge Fund Request Policy SLT 3.2 学术和创新卓越中心
员工行为准则政策 SLT 3.3 Human Resources
教职员工不报复政策 SLT 3.3.1 Human Resources
研究政策中的利益冲突 SLT 3.4 学术和创新卓越中心
Copyright Policy SLT 3.5 University Libraries
Export Control Policy SLT 3.6 学术和创新卓越中心
非会员/访客使用图书馆资源和电脑 SLT 3.9 University Libraries
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy SLT 3.11 学术和创新卓越中心
Allowable Cost Policy SLT 3.11.1 Office of Sponsored Programs
外部资助项目的成本分担政策 SLT 3.11.2 Office of Sponsored Programs
博天堂官方网页外部资助项目政策的补充补偿 SLT 3.11.3 Office of Sponsored Programs
设施和行政成本政策 SLT 3.11.4 学术和创新卓越中心
主要研究人员/项目主管的一般责任政策 SLT 3.11.5 学术和创新卓越中心
服务和咨询协议政策 SLT 3.11.6 学术和创新卓越中心
首席研究员资格政策 SLT 3.11.7 学术和创新卓越中心
教科书和课程材料政策 SLT 3.12 Provost Office
动物研究人员培训 SLT 3.13 学术和创新卓越中心
美国政府文件互联网使用 SLT 3.14 University Libraries
Space Assignment Policy SLT 3.15 Provost and Facility Planning Offices
Adoption Leave Policy SLT 4.1 Human Resources
Exercise Release Time Policy SLT 4.2 Human Resources
家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)政策 SLT 4.3 Human Resources
Identification Card Policy SLT 4.4 Human Resources
教职员工军事休假政策 SLT 4.5 Human Resources
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy SLT 4.6 Human Resources
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy SLT 5.1 酒精和其他毒品校园教育和服务办公室
动物在大学拥有或控制的财产 SLT 6.1 Public Safety
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy SLT 6.3 Finance and Administration
Endowment Spending SLT 6.4 Business and Finance
设备购置和处置政策 SLT 6.5 Business and Finance
活动标志和横幅政策- Allendale校园 SLT 6.7 Facilities Services
Heating and Cooling Set Points SLT 6.8 Facilities Services
Identity Theft Detection Policy SLT 6.9 Business and Finance
Interior Signage Standards Policy SLT 6.10 Facilities Planning
Invoice Payment Policy SLT 6.11 Business and Finance
Keys and Access Card Policy SLT 6.12 Facilities Services
闪电/恶劣天气政策-田径 SLT 6.14 Athletics
空间加热器和个人电器政策 SLT 6.16 皮尤校园运营/ Allendale设施服务
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy SLT 6.17 Business and Finance
Travel Policy SLT 6.18 Business and Finance
大学指定和植物储备基金政策 SLT 6.19 University Budgets
无人驾驶/飞机系统/无人机政策 SLT 6.20 Public Safety
GVSU Laker Store Policy SLT 6.21 GVSU Laker Store
Conference and Event Planning Policy SLT 6.22 Conference Planning & Hospitality Services
Weapons Policy SLT 6.27 Public Safety
Parking Ordinance SLT 6.28 Public Safety
Use of Security Cameras SLT 6.29 Public Safety
Disorderly Conduct Policy SLT 6.31 Public Safety
违反地方、州或联邦法律 SLT 6.32 Public Safety
Crisis Communication Plan SLT 7.1 University Communications
Identity Standards Policy SLT 7.2 Institutional Marketing
校园电影/录像/电影/数码影像制作 SLT 7.3 University Communications
Publications and Advertising SLT 7.4 Institutional Marketing
学术和行政单位的网络政策 SLT 7.5 Institutional Marketing
校友之家对教职员工的政策 SLT 8.1 Alumni Relations
Endowment Match Policy SLT 8.2 University Development
Fundraising Policy SLT 8.3 University Development
礼物接受和处置政策 SLT 8.4 University Development
Privacy Policy SLT 8.5 University Development
禁止第九条性骚扰、不当性行为和歧视性骚扰的政策 SLT 9.1 第九条和机构公平办公室
Consensual Relationship Policy SLT 9.2 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
教职员工残疾住宿政策 SLT 9.5 Inclusion and Equity
Religious Inclusion Policy SLT 9.6 包容与公平/平权行动办公室
Web Accessibility Policy SLT 9.7 Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
Minors on Campus Policy SLT 9.8 Human Resources
Conflict of Interest Policy SLT 10.1 Office of General Counsel
Legal Services Policy SLT 10.2 Office of General Counsel
Freedom of Information Act Policy SLT 10.3 Office of General Counsel
Grounds and Facility Use Policy SLT 10.4 Office of General Counsel
Commercial Activity Policy SLT 10.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Political Activity Policy SLT 10.5 Office of General Counsel
社会安全号码隐私政策 SLT 10.6 Office of General Counsel
Volunteers Policy SLT 10.7 Office of General Counsel
Email Policy SLT 11.2 Information Technology
Email Signature Block Policy SLT 11.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Computer Virus and Malware Policy SLT 11.3 Information Technology
Voicemail Policy SLT 11.4 Information Technology
计算机使用条件(信息技术) SLT 11.5 Information Technology
Digital Media Policy SLT 11.6 Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy SLT 11.7 Information Technology
Faculty/Staff Abuse of Technology SLT 11.8 Information Technology
Phonemail Policy SLT 11.9 Telecommunications
Public Folder Policy SLT 11.10 Information Technology
Secure Office Procedure SLT 11.11 Information Technology
Software Support Policy SLT 11.12 Information Technology
Technology Acquisition Policy SLT 11.14 Information Technology